Wednesday 31 March 2010

Mad with Moxxi

Borderlands was one of my favourite games of last year, so much so that I had almost completed the game 100%. Until they started releasing DLC that is. While I'm happy to pay for extra content, what annoys me is that the new achievements show up in your achievement list even if you don't download the extra content. It makes it really hard to resist spending your microsoft points.

This wasn't such a terrible thing when it came to Zombie Island. I was happy to wander around collecting zombie brains and then more braaaaaaains, while continuing to work towards 100% achievment completion. But Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot was a different story. As I was being mauled for the millioneth time, I realised with horror that I would never be able to tick all the achievement boxes. Leaving me extremely annoyed that I'd been cajoled into buying DLC that then made it ridiculously hard to get the achivements (the main reason I bought it).

This leaves me with a dilemma - should I download the latest 'Secret Armory' content? Am I annoyed enough at Mad Moxxi to make me boycott the next DLC? Possibly. Possibly not. If Mad Moxxi agrees to put down the loud hailer and stop telling me I'm rubbish, we might just make up and put this whole terrible affair behind us.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. Moxie irritated me too. So difficult.

    I have it on good authority that the latest DLC is pretty good - as long as you play it on the first playthrough option.

    Of course, haven't tried it myself so that could be wrong...
