Friday, 9 April 2010

Sightseeing in Paris

I was considering going to Paris for Easter, but for various reasons (mostly because the Eurostar is so ridiculously expensive unless you book a year in advance), I ended up staying home with the Xbox.  As luck would have it, the next game on my 'Must play soon' list, The Saboteur,  is set in Paris. Here are some snapshots from my weekend of virtual sightseeing.

Me next to the Eiffel Tower. It rained quite heavily on my first day in Paris - I was lucky to find another tourist on the roof of this building who was happy to take my picture.

Me base jumping from the Eiffel Tower. I forgot to take my bag off! Fortunately my mobile phone made it through in one piece.

Me driving to Le Havre to find somewhere nice for a pub lunch.

1 comment:

  1. It looks lovely. And can I say, you're looking a lot more male than usual.

    Are you now talking in an unconvincing 'Oirish' accent?
