So what's number one? Well, for me, it's a sound that gives me goosebumps, while at the same time giving me the confidence to sneak up on big, burly guys, silently take them down and dump them in a rubbish bin where the body will never be found...
Game: Splinter Cell
Sound created by: Night vision gogglesSound: Whirrr...
'Sam Fisher can no longer rely on his trusted bag of tools and iconic goggles. He's gone beyond being a double agent. Now he's a fully fledged fugitive without the intel of 3rd Echelon or the support of his friends. Those custom gadgets can't be found at your local hardware store.'
Excuse me? Does this mean there won't be night vision goggles? I don't think I could bear it. And anyway, while 'those custom gadgets' might be tricky to find at your local hardware store, somebody should tell Sam Fisher that you can get a fully functional pair of goggles as part of the prestige edition of Call of Duty: MW2.
ReplyDeleteThis is by far my favourite sound as well. It makes me want to go back and play some Chaos Theory!